Mətbuat şərhi 11 fevral 2025

Statement by Mr. Tofig F. Musayev Deputy Permanent Representative of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the United Nations at the plenary meeting of the seventy-ninth session of the United Nations General Assembly under agenda item 10: Return or restitution of cultural property to the countries of origin

Azərbaycan Respublikasının
BMT yanında
Daimi Nümayəndəliyi


Permanent Mission
of the Republic of Azerbaijan
to the United Nations

633 Third Avenue, Suite 3210, New York, N.Y. 10017
Tel.: (212) 371-2559; Fax: (212) 371-2784

Statement by Mr. Tofig F. Musayev

Deputy Permanent Representative of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the United Nations

at the plenary meeting of the seventy-ninth session of the United Nations General Assembly under agenda item 10: Return or restitution of cultural property to the

countries of origin


6 December 2024


Mr. President,

At the outset, I would like to commend the delegation of Greece for its efforts in facilitating the negotiations on draft resolution A/79/L.16, entitled “Return or restitution of cultural property to the countries of origin”. We also take note of the report of the Secretary-General on the topic (A/79/231).

Azerbaijan has consistently promoted the principles and rules governing the protection of cultural property at the international level. Thus, my country initiated the adoption by the United Nations Human Rights Council of the resolution on the protection of cultural rights and property in situations of armed conflict, as well as contributed to the drafting and publication of the UNESCO Military Manual on the Protection of Cultural Property. This publication is the first international training tool of this kind intended to serve as a practical guide for armed forces and disseminate legal obligations of States and individuals emanating, inter alia, from the prohibition of illicit export and other removal or transfer of ownership of cultural property.

Azerbaijan has also adopted a number of legislative acts, rules and policy frameworks at the national level to ensure the implementation of its relevant international obligations.


Mr. President,

Cultural property forms a vital part of the cultural identity of individuals, communities, peoples and all humanity and its preservation is essential to human wellbeing and flourishing.

States and international organizations have expended considerable efforts to develop a series of standard-setting instruments to guarantee the safeguarding of the world’s cultural diversity through the preservation and protection of heritage.

In addition, both the General Assembly and the Security Council addressed the protection of culture in conflict situations, highlighting in particular the connection of the destruction of and trafficking in cultural heritage with terrorism and organized crime.

Furthermore, Security Council resolution 2347 (2017) recognized that the unlawful destruction, looting and smuggling of cultural property in armed conflict, and the attempt to deny historical roots and cultural diversity in this context, can undermine security, stability, governance, social, economic and cultural development of affected States.   

However, threats to cultural property continued to increase, necessitating more coordinated and comprehensive efforts on behalf of the entire international community to preserve heritage and ensure the return or restitution of cultural property.


Mr. President,

Azerbaijan’s cultural heritage has suffered significant damage during the 30-year conflict and occupation of its territories, caused by large-scale destruction and vandalism, as well as the theft, pillage, misappropriation and removal from the country of tens of thousands of museum exhibits and other property of historical, cultural, scientific and religious importance, including valuable artifacts illegally excavated from archaeological sites in those territories. Some of these stollen cultural objects were even later exhibited in museums or sold in auctions in other countries.

Any such stollen and illicitly exported cultural property must be returned to its lawful owner. We note in this regard the recognition in the draft resolution before us of the need for cooperation among States in the fight against illicit trafficking in cultural property and its illegal removal from the countries of origin, as well as of the importance of accountability for such activities and strengthened national and international responses to crimes targeting cultural property.

Azerbaijan is keen to continue its efforts at the national and international levels to protect and preserve its cultural heritage and contribute to ensuring justice and the effective implementation of international obligations.


Thank you.


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