“Müstəqilliyimiz əbədidir, daimidir, dönməzdir”
General information
Date of establishment   28 May 1918
State İndependence Day   18 October 1991
Date of joining the United Nations  2 March 1992


Territory  86.6 thousand square km (forests 12%, water basins 54.9%, including 31.1 square km  pastures and hayfields, 31.4 square km other lands). The country extends   between  longitude 44°, 52 ° east, latitude 38 °, and 42° north. Baku situated   at the parallel of 40°. Distance from Baku to North Pole is 5550 km, to the   equator 4440 km.
Official language  Azerbaijani

Monetary unit


Number of Administrative units

 Autonomous Republic - 1
 Regions                                           - 63
 Towns                                                  - 79
 Urban districts  - 14
 Urban  administartive districts               - 68
 Settlements  - 262
 Settlements administartive districts - 190
 Rural settlements - 4246
 Rural administrative divisions                 - 1724


Neighbours    It borders with Iran (765 km) and Turkey (15 km) on the south, Russia (390 km)   on the north, Georgia (480 km) on the north-west and Armenia (1007 km) on   the west. The length of the largest area of Caspian Sea in Azerbaijan sector is   456 km.

Population (01.03.2022)

 10,16 mln. (5,09 mln. – women; 5,07 mln. – men; urban population – 53%,   rural population – 47%)

Ethnic groups (2009)

 Azerbaijanians – 91.6%; lezgis – 2%; armenian – 1.3%; russians – 1.3%; talyshs – 1.3%; avars - 0.6% etc.
State structure  Republic

Political system

 Head of the State: President.

The president is elected by secret vote for seven-years term.

 The Llegislative Authority of the Republic of Azerbaijan is implemented by   the National Assembly (milli Majlis) of the Republic of Azerbaijan which   consists of 125 members.




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